Endurourthe, a trail center fun varied open to everyone !


This MTB Enduro trail will let you discover the forest around Anthisnes and Esneux.

With 10 stages going mainly down, from green stages with small slope and flowly for beginners, to black stages with steep and technical slopes for expert, going through blue and red stages, everyone will find his happiness.

The liaisons between stages are mainly on easy paths, you will be able to admire the landscape and enjoy the time with friends in a safe environment.

The length of the stages varies from 400 to 900m, with 50 to 115m of elevation drop.

Discover the map


1 : Tout droit dans le sapin
2 : La Medelin
3 : L'Alternative
4 : Trixhie
5 : La Falaise
6 : Menhir
7 : La Mousse
8 : La Coccinelle
9 : La ...
10 : La Carrière

: Champs de bosses
: Castle of Rond Chêne
: Barbecue of Rond Chêne
: Menhir
: Quarry of Grès du bois d'Anthisnes
: Aviation club CRPAL
: Castle of Avouerie d'Anthisnes
: Water-mill of Ry d'Oneux

A : Bike and Wine
B : L'Experimentale
C : Trattoria da Pilesya

Thanks to our sponsors

With the support of

Our charter

1 Respect others
Let the rider in front of you know that you are behind him before overtaking him.
The rider in front / downstream have always the priority on the rider at the back / upstream.
Do no stop on the stages, put you on the side when you need to stop.
2 Respect the marks and signs
Do not go outside the marked trails.
Do not drift anywhere.
No shortcuts
If there is some missing signs, damaged stage, … please inform the EndurOurthe team.
3 Be carefull
On your first time on a MTB trail, adapt your speed in order to assimilate the stage and notice the technical sections.
Recognize by foot each technical section before trying to cycle through.
Adapt your speed to your level and to each section.
Do not try inappropriate figures.
Adapt your speed to the attendance and visibility of the trails.
4 Call the Emergencies, 5 reflexes in case of accident
Secure the zone
Identify anyone that has been hurt
Locate the place of the accident (name of the stage, caracteristics of the area, ...)
Call 112
Stay with injured people until the rescue is arrived.
It is mandatory to wear an helmet on the trails of EndurOurthe Trail Center.
Knee pads, elbow pads, long gloves, and back protection are highly recommended.
A bike in good working order and adapt to the Enduro is recommended.
The team decline any responsability in case of accident.
6 Be eco-friendly
Respect the nature and the environment
Do not let any garbage after your stay.
7 TAG @EndurOurthe
With your posts on social media (pictures, videos, ...), do not forget to tag @EndurOurthe.

About the team

With the health crisis of 2020, many citizen went into forest to relax.

If some Enduro trails were already in place, the cohabitation with other users of the forest was cordial.

Nevertheless, with the increase of visitis in the forest, for the moutain biker as for the others, the cohabitation was difficult in some places.

With this observation, Benjamin, Déniel and Simon, quickly joined by Gauthier, start the creation of a Trail Center around Anthisnes and Esneux in September 2020.

It was a long process, with numerous constructive meetings with municipalities and forest rangers, creation of the non-profit organisation in July 2021, and the help of the MBF, ...

To finally result in the creation of the EndurOurthe Trail Center in the 2022 Spring.

It is only the beginning of our story...

A small word on the maintenance.

The trails at your disposal are the result of the collaboration between EndurOurthe team, the municipalities and the forest rangers.

Therefore the trails have been made for riders, by riders taking into consideration the other users of the forest.

In order to maintain the trail center in the long terme, it is important that the stages are well maintained, but also there is no issues.

Thanks to not create new stages, or change the stage already done (no creation of jump, no other route possible, ...)

Nevertheless, if some changes are needed on the stage, please contact the EndurOurthe Team to discuss in order to find a solution.

Other Trail Centers in the area

Support us

You want to support us in the development of our trail center ?
You can make a donation to the team : BE09 7320 6272 0857.

Your donation will help us to maintain the trail center, develop the trails and organize some events.
Already a big thanks.